You are being poisioned

Discussion in 'Non Surf Related' started by Yewnorksurfsux, Jun 4, 2013.

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  1. chicharronne

    chicharronne Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    It's not so much that the gubmint wants to kill us since we're the ones paying most of the taxes. It's that they won't do what we ask. Why don't they make Monsanto label foods GMO foods? because no one would buy any.
  2. chicharronne

    chicharronne Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    As far a chemtrails verses contrails goes. condtrail eventually dissipate. when was the last time you saw a blue sky? around here you got to get up early. then you see jets flying grids across the sky. the chemtrails do not go away but eventually spread out and turns it pale. I've read where scientists say that there's barium, aluminum, and strontium being sprayed. I asked my dad, a retired officer in the US Army Chemical Corps., what would be the reason for spraying those? He said they were all reflective substances. It may not be sprayed to effect the weather, but rather to reflect solar energy. the ionosphere is in a weakened state and the Sun has increased CMEs.

  3. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Not saying that isn't being sprayed in some areas, but the sky is clear and blue here all the time. If something is being sprayed, it is happening via prop plane.
    Almost all the research groups dealing with this are using prop planes. Jets are not efficient for this application.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
  4. Yewnorksurfsux

    Yewnorksurfsux Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    just noticed the horizon is white, the sun looks like a neon lite, and on cloudless days there are all those trails and "high clouds"
    Well hopefully it is not. I pray and just looking forward to an orange sun and a clear blue sky.
    sorry if this sounds like a conspiracy theory. just witnessing it every night the painting of the sky becomes white.
    contrails that never fade and form a feather like clouds which eventually coats the sky like a blanket.
  5. Yewnorksurfsux

    Yewnorksurfsux Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Usually once the whole truth is revealed you realize you were happier being clueless.
  6. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
  7. Yewnorksurfsux

    Yewnorksurfsux Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
  8. chicharronne

    chicharronne Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Here in Tidewater Va, we got ORF, NAS Nerferk and Oceana, Fentress Field, and PDF and LAFB across the bay, not to mention the rocket launching from Wallops Island on the Eastern Shore. So there's plenty of opportunity to spew crap up there. and they do. they're up there making grids

    I've stared at the sky a lot in my old life. I moved here from Colorado where I'd spend my off time climbing and, after getting my mind right, staring at the sky. I don't remember cond trails staying in the sky any longer than a minute. Of course there's a lot I don't remember about it, I'm sure I'da retain 1 memory of it happening.
  9. Yewnorksurfsux

    Yewnorksurfsux Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    stay classy.
  10. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
  11. Yewnorksurfsux

    Yewnorksurfsux Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    I can NOT believe how gullible you people are and naive. Do you actually believe these trails are left from condensation (like your breath on a cold day)
    These are chemicals being sprayed into the stratosphere. Do you ever wonder why we no longer have blue skies, but rather white skies. And its not cirrus clouds. These chemtrails are being sprayed from horizon to horizon and then enlarge over the coarse of the day. They are filled with aluminum and barium. The government are using these trails to depopulate and to monopolize farming, IE-producing aluminum resisting seeds so that organic farming can no longer survive. The soils are poisoned by the aluminum being sprayed. Coconut trees in Hawaii are dying on an organic farming site.
    Watch the movie, What in the world are they spraying on us?
  12. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Contrails are more than just water vapor. Doesn't take a genius to know that there are fuel combustion byproducts mixed in there.

    Archy, just like your other threads, you have no data to back up your wild claims. Further more, it is pretty lame that you made multiple accounts to spam this forum with conspiracy stuff. I was an organic gardener when I lived in VA. My veggies all grew well. I had 3 types of heirloom tomatoes, peppers, squash, and cucumber. All 100% organically grown. Stop spreading lies.
  13. Yewnorksurfsux

    Yewnorksurfsux Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    its pretty lame that you have no evidence proving it is not. you are just as bad as the people who believe in a way. . If you debunk a conspiracy for the sake of debunking you use the same way of thinking a conspiracy theorist uses to create his theory.
    so stop creating accounts just to debunk and debate just like your other threads.
  14. Yewnorksurfsux

    Yewnorksurfsux Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    your mount is not so pleasant
  15. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Again, I feel sorry for your children. I can only hope you display more maturity when raising them.
  16. Plover

    Plover Active Member

    May 12, 2012
    I couldn't help but bring this back. But as I was driving today ~6am, I couldn't help but think of this post after what I observed. I noticed perfectly parallel contrails in the sky. Maybe 6 or 8 stretching across the blue sky. They were getting wider over the course of a one hour drive. They were not dissipating at all. Funny thing is as a reference, there were jets creating other contrails in random directions and those were only hanging around for maybe 5-10 min and then disappearing with a few persisting a little longer but disapearing after some time. Eventually the ones that persisted and were parallel morphed thicker trails and finally into more of a cloud cover. Hey admin, you have the meteorological expertise on basic cloud formation....I suppose. Back in my college days I took meteorology. But I don't recall this phenomenon. Can you explain? Kinda freaky after watching that video and I'm usuall skeptical about conspiracy theories. I had my wife snap a few pics and ill try and upload in a bit.
  17. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    My guess is different types of jet expell more exhaust particulates and whatnot, which would affect the contrail. Just my 'theory' after working engine development for years.
  18. archy 2.0

    archy 2.0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    suck it. I'm not the only one able to question authority and able to sift through the web of lies and disinformation.

    good for you with your WAS garden
  19. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Did you grow tired of your multiple personalities. I see you still haven't learned to have a mature and civil conversation. By the way, nothing you posted proves these methods are currently being used. It just explains what could happen if they used it.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2013
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