stop GMO mnadness

Discussion in 'Non Surf Related' started by archy 2.0, May 25, 2013.

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  1. archy 2.0

    archy 2.0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
  2. OldSoul

    OldSoul Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    Right on man... the GMO situation in this country is scary. People need to wake up and make a difference

  3. Zman9398

    Zman9398 Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2012
    I want to sign just don't know if there's an age limit?
  4. GoodVibes

    GoodVibes Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    We definaltly live in a different world. I was watching on the weather channel a few weeks ago how they put this stuff in the air to dictate if it should snow or not.Man is playing with fire.
  5. archy 2.0

    archy 2.0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    they have been doin that kind of stuff since the 50's. geoengineering is even more scary than GMO'S. all you conspiracy deniers out there chemtrails exist. Bill Gates who sits on the board of directors and is a large share holder for Monsanto spends millions every year on geoengineering research. aluminum oxide and radioactive cesium and thorium are now in our soil and water supply in unsafe amounts. learn to detoxify your body to avoid harmful health effects from this crap.
  6. StuckinVA

    StuckinVA Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just to play devils advocate; is there definitive proof that gmos are actually bad-for-you? A couple of studies I found have been debunked by respected scientists. While im not a big fan of adding hormones and other additives to our food supply (I always buy organic milk for my kids etc) I cant help but think food and safety watchdogs are looking out for their own interests too (ie donations donations donations)
  7. GoodVibes

    GoodVibes Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    If you really want to watch something disturbing go to youtube and go to meet your meat.How farm factories work.If you have a weak stomach you might want to pass.
  8. northendcanyon

    northendcanyon Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2013
    It's inconclusive whether GMO foods are safe. The major problem is with how the DNA is altered. DNA particles are coated onto gold atoms and then the gold atoms are fired into cells of whatever species is to be modified. Then those cells are coaxed to grow into a plant, that plant can then produce seed that is GMO. The problem lies in the fact that the DNA is inserted randomly. There's no way to know which two genes you just inserted the new one in the middle of, and it's impossible to know whether or not you have actually split a codon and now have entirely changed the DNA sequence.

    Funniest thing about this to me is that it's peoples choice. Stop eating GMO corn and soy and start supporting local farmers. If everyone cared enough to do that then the company would be forced to be more responsible in the least. Genetic engineering isn't going anywhere but we shouldn't have to subject ourselves to being guinea pigs for the first generation.

    And you don't have to be. It's the ignorant masses that are the guinea pig and to be honest I think it's sweet justice. If you choose to live in complacent ignorance then you have no control over your own fate.
  9. archy 2.0

    archy 2.0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    those articles debunking GMO's were probably backed by GMO industry. its hard for independent researchers to test, because Monsanto owns the patents to the seeds, making it difficult to obtain for independent scientists, and/or publish their findings in fear of legal action from Monsanto or loss of future research grants, therefore ruining their careers. here's an article about rats fed GMO's.
    if you look at it logically why would Monsanto have laws enacted to protect themselves from any lawsuits against them? why are they pushing to ban the labeling of GMO's state tot state? if they are safe what does Monsanto have to hide?
    also Michael Taylor the deputy commissioner for the FDA was a VP at Monsanto. smells like s**t to me.
  10. archy 2.0

    archy 2.0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    And you don't have to be. It's the ignorant masses that are the guinea pig and to be honest I think it's sweet justice. If you choose to live in complacent ignorance then you have no control over your own fate.[/QUOTE]

    the problem with this statement is GMO's are not labeled. some people don't have access to locally grown or organic food. also some people are not educated on the subject. 99% of public schools don't educate children on how to grow their own food and the benefits of non GMO organic foods. also Monsanto spends millions of $ on disinformation propaganda. if they were labeled people would have freedom of choice.
  11. Swellinfo

    Swellinfo Administrator

    May 19, 2006
    As stated above, its unknown whether GMO food is safe or not, because there is little research, but don't you think we should have the right to decide at the grocery store to know if we are buying GMO food or not? As of now, there is no law that mandates labeling of GMO food. Mansanto has such a wide grip on the food market, that its food is in an extremely large amount of every day products. Making GMO labels mandatory would at least give consumers the knowledge of what they are buying, else, we have no idea if its regular corn or GMO corn and right now the products don't have to label this.

    If the USDA wants to let them sell untested GMO food, then fine, but at least allow us consumers to know what we are buying.
  12. northendcanyon

    northendcanyon Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2013

    I don't disagree with that but the reason they are hesitant to label GMO foods is because they know how the uneducated masses jump onto bandwagons, and they don't want to stifle the consumption of GMO foods before they are entirely established and integrated into our food supply. It's about money, not some grand dark conspiracy of controlling people. It's all about profit at the end of the day for these guys.

    I don't think the problem lies itself with GM foods. I think that people's limited understanding of the mechanisms involved create unfounded hysteria. At the same time it is true it is still unproven whether GMO foods are safe or not.

    When I was an undergrad I did my senior dissertation on the safety of GMO foods. That was in 2010. At the time there were only a dozen or so legitimate studies done testing GMO foods on rats, and most of them were done by one of two opposing groups. One was funded by monsanto and one wasn't. Of course they had contrary results. The end result of my research was that the answer was far from found and with GM in it's infancy that was not surprising. What is surprising is that none of those tests were even performed until almost a decade after the USDA had ruled that GMO foods were substantially equivalent to their non GMO counterparts, which rendered them not only safe for sale but allowed them to be unlabeled.

    Seems like the testers were a little late to the party.

    A lot of it comes back to complacency though. I'm not lying when I say that every single person I interact with on a regular basis has heard me talk about GMO soy if not a whole spiel about food in general. They are usually interested, and agree with how corrupt the realtions between big business and government have become. But at the end of the day they don't let the reality of what I have told them affect what they eat. You see, you can inform people until you're blue in the face. The sad stark reality is that most of them will nod, agree, and then go back to doing exactly what you had spoke against. Namely eating foods that are hardly foods at all, but they taste good, and are convenient. And so it goes...
  13. archy 2.0

    archy 2.0 Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    Compliacncy, ignorance, money what does it matter. Monsanto does not have to adhere to any government regulations. Unlike a small organic farm, or small business that is heavily regulated. These regulations make it sometimes impossible for a small business stay afloat. If Monsanto is unregulated there is no telling what is next. They are already working on GMO foods containing vaccines. And with people like Bill Gates, who advocates for population control through vaccines on Monsanto's board of direction, they is no telling what's in store for the future. So don't think for a minute that there might not be any hidden agenda other than money.
  14. northendcanyon

    northendcanyon Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2013

    I think you went a little too far down the rabbit hole, which is actually playing into the hand of monsanto. You go around saying things like bill gates is an advocate of population control through the administration of vaccines and people are going to go "huh?" See that doesn't make any sense, because vaccines save lives they don't jeopardize them.

    Also if they are attempting to control the masses and they succeed then I say game well played. People have willingly yielded their abilities to fend for themselves for the sake of convenience. I know that if there was no supermarket up the road I would probably starve. Our generation, and the ones before us, have forgotten how to live off the earth and to feed ourselves and in the same fashion have let us, their ancestors, down. It's our own fault, we have only our direct ancestors to blame.

    Educate yourself and your children, and anyone else who will listen. But don't place the blame on monsanto entirely because we shoulder more of it than we are willing to accept and they are simply taking advantage of our complacency.
  15. LegendJim

    LegendJim Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2010
    First Intelligent thread ever on Swell Info that did not get highjacked within the first page. Thanks all.
    Also, I am completely against GM food. Educate yourself. Buy local. Grow as much as you can or you will slowly be poisoned by Big Brother.
  16. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    That is my problem with old archy. I agree with some of the stuff he posts, and I am pro local and organic foods. Then he goes off on a tin foil rant about vaccines and the evils of modern medicine.

    An interesting article about people that believe in all conspiracy theories.

    I also agree that more studies need to be done on the effects of GMO.
    Last edited: May 26, 2013
  17. ocsurf32

    ocsurf32 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    Ethiopia has banned all GMO crops. . . .They don't even have food in the first place! We the american people are the biggest science experiment in the world. Treating us like test rats. Think I'm crazy look at the study on GMOs effects on test rats . . . . .
  18. GoodVibes

    GoodVibes Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2008
    Kind of makes you wonder why the bee population has rapidly decreased over the years.Nothing to pollinate anymore.
  19. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    Another problem with GMO, is that it is a catch all term. I am ok with modifying in ways that help selective harvests grow with less water or poor soil. I am not so crazy about the modification to function as a pesticide. The plants I eat shouldn't kill insects. That could be paranoia on my behalf, but we need more data to prove it is safe.
  20. brewengineer

    brewengineer Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    That is a combination of things. New pesticides are really hitting the bees.
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