who here has been surfing this week?

Discussion in 'All Discussions' started by Peajay4060, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. Carson

    Carson Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2006
    10 foot?
  2. CJsurf

    CJsurf Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Man I don't know. 10 foot back probably. That was the biggest set I saw that day. It was two waves like that. Three times overhead easily if someone he was standing in front of it and he's almost 6 feet tall.

    This wave was the biggest wave I saw ridden.

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
    antoine likes this.

  3. Carson

    Carson Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2006
    Damn, that's a legit stand-up barrel. Had to have been 3x overhead at the peak.
    antoine likes this.
  4. UnfurleD

    UnfurleD Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2016
  5. UnfurleD

    UnfurleD Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2016
    semi chop waist hi rides yesterday at the washout. Took the 7'2 hog molly fish for a spin and it pulled thru. Was just a few of us at N Washout around 6pm yesterday, running there after work. It started to fill up when they noticed we were having a good time. Still a good sess of just going left n right with a few carves on a couple rides to make the most of it. This morning, didn't set the alarm on purpose, took the LB down the street to see waist + good lines. It wasn't too packed and better than what i'd thought it would be. I had to catch my breath a few times,stick my tongue out, felt like my body was playing catch up. Found my space to get plenty of rides with a lil manuevering here n there. Now, I give my 2 weeks to work. Got a job offer earlier this week with a substantial raise, staying in Charleston. This coupled with the fact i'm closing on a house next week, should be a different time sorta speak for me. New chapter and all that jazz, can't wait to take this workload off my shoulders. Have a good wknd bouyz
    Betty, Peajay4060, antoine and 2 others like this.
  6. headhigh

    headhigh Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    Congrats on the new job and the house dude!! Both are huge accomplishments and I hope you get to do some celebrating this weekend.

    Today is my last day at my current job (after a 3 week notice-period *gag*). Onward and most importantly, upward!
    Betty, UnfurleD, Manik and 1 other person like this.
  7. CJsurf

    CJsurf Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Fun waves this morning. Get out there.
    Betty and antoine like this.
  8. Manik

    Manik Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2015
    About chest to shoulder up here, looks fun at the right spots but I have my kid....she's not into hanging out on the rocky coast today. I've pushed her into 100's of waves since the age of 3, boogies and boards (she is 12 now,mostly belly rides, a few pop ups), invested in "surf" camp (overpaid babysitting), and nothing. It has not taken hold, except I catch her staring at some of the younger surfer boys. God help me.
    Betty and antoine like this.
  9. Manik

    Manik Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2015
    Actually got out for two waves, my kid beach combed the spot to keep busy (she found some nice sea glass). Swell dropped dramatically, light crowd but a long lull between sets so it took a while just to get two, she was glad to see me get out so we could swim at the beach.I'm about to make steak tips with local corn and mashed taters, and a big side of tomato salad. Life is good.
    Betty, Peajay4060 and antoine like this.
  10. CJsurf

    CJsurf Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2014
    Was fun here all day. It went on-shore around 3 but was still fun to surf chest high waves in trunks.

    Betty, Carson, UnfurleD and 3 others like this.
  11. Peajay4060

    Peajay4060 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Hey What's Happening?

    I skunked myself for Larry. Just was in the wrong place at the wrong time 2 days in a row.

    But I faired better on this one. Got on it after work Friday. The crowd was ridiculous at the main peak. 30 dudes watching 3 guys surf and it was making through 2nd peak so it was frustrating to sit there too. But further down was a good pocket of waves with nobody on it so I hung there. Good enough for me and the waves were all mine. Long rides if you could keep up. It turn to death bombs in a instant when the tide got too low. My 2nd to last was a smoker and then my last smoked me bad. It was getting dark anyway so I bailed. My lady made italian wedding soup and it hit the spot.

    Lazed up to the beach yesterday morning. Just didn't want to be on it at dawn on a Saturday with 100 dudes. The place was mobbed but weirdly there was not many in the water despite head high glassy perfection. Found out later that just before I got there it was so bad that an example was made and it turned all non locals off. Fine by me. Caught a fair share and it was excellent quality. Long glassy walls, lots of carving with some cover sections. 1st peak into 2nd and even into the 3rd and sometimes 4th peak. Surfed until late afternoon. The plan was to surf a little and fish but it was too good and it stayed that way all day. Warm enough by mid morning to lose the rubber too.

    Both days I rode a 15 yr old 6' 1" quad egg. When I was grabbing gear it just called to me to pull it off the wall. It got some miles on it but it surfed real well. Going to tune it up and put back in the regular rotation.

    Got home just in time for my daughter's soccer game then got absolutely hammered.
    Not enough food and the booze had it's way. Got the family to the beach this morning but I feel too terrible to paddle out in dribble and I'm still too drunk to fish. I'm sitting here with some of the chuckle heads I was hanging with last night and they'll telling me all the stupid stuff I said and did last night. Good times.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
    Betty, headhigh, UnfurleD and 2 others like this.
  12. curl

    curl Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    Betty, Manik, Carson and 2 others like this.
  13. curl

    curl Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    My oldest getting wet prior to work .
    Betty and Manik like this.
  14. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    On my last wave of the Larry swell (9/11, Saturday) I was in the water for 3 hours, but had one really good ride -- a left hand corner of an OH set wave. next wave I got absolutely pummeled by a chest high closeout. Wasn't that bad of a thrashing at all but somehow the mid rail of the board hit me square in the face, right on my nose, which is probably broken or at least dislocated. Not the first or second time its happened.

    No big deal, or so I thought.

    Woke up Sunday with a neck ache so sore it was giving me a migraine, which actually only just receded a few days ago.

    So, last Saturday I ate fried chicken from the grocery store on the beach with my dog and watched the local crew get some chest-OH clean waves. Then I lied down on the couch with an ice pack and CBD cream for an hour and then got up and went to go see Pearl Jam in Asbury Park.
    Manik, UnfurleD and Peajay4060 like this.
  15. UnfurleD

    UnfurleD Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2016
    lil Peter delivering lil clean swell yesterday. Was in the office yesterday, so missed the early afternoon hi tide push. Went after work with the LB and rode thi hi, at best waist hi, rides down by the pier. Lotta surfers out there, can understand tho the rain has been pummeling down last 4 days or so. One buddy recognized me and walking out on the beach and said they're great right now. my response " you sure bout that?". He likes cold weather tho, and for some reason doesn't mind small waves. I on the other hand just needed my fix, work makes me lose my mind sometimes. Didn't really get to ride a wave out, so not the greatest of times. Was in a time crunch to get dwntn to meet up w a bud for the Panthers game. At the house now, hungover and slight red faced, waiting an hour or so to get on this push that i missed yesterday. Perhaps a hangover cleansing..
    Manik, Carson and antoine like this.
  16. Manik

    Manik Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2015
    That's a great pic curl
  17. curl

    curl Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
  18. curl

    curl Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2013
    45263131-652D-4082-AEC2-A141AA327B59.jpeg Town goes quiet after Labor Day , Allenhurst
    Manik, Betty, antoine and 1 other person like this.
  19. LBCrew

    LBCrew Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    *cricket.... cricket.....*