Best Fins for JS Pier Pony???

Discussion in 'Mid Atlantic' started by MrKrabs, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. MrKrabs

    MrKrabs Member

    Aug 28, 2013
    i beg to differ... with junky weak cheap fins, you will not get the performance that you should as compared to the Marzo's i just got. so fins are just not fins.
  2. waterbaby

    waterbaby Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    I agree, you can "push off" a stiffer fin (100% fiberglass) better in weak waves, but main difference I've noticed is in "cant". Super canted fins need to the board to be put heavy on the rail in order not to slow it down. That's why I generally prefer more vertical fins on slower waves - they glide better. Some people say it's all too negligible to matter, but when you're grovelling, everything adds up

  3. DawnPatrol321

    DawnPatrol321 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    Anybody who says fins are fins and don't matter is in fact the real kook, sorry for the language.
  4. njsurfer42

    njsurfer42 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2009
    cant doesn't mean a damn thing if your fin is too soft to maintain it's shape against the pressure of a turn.
  5. njsurfer42

    njsurfer42 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2009
    lmao...a surfer who can't feel differences in equipment is no surfer at all.

    in other words, a kook.