looking for a surfer friend

Discussion in 'Mid Atlantic' started by John Ravert, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. wavesliderac

    wavesliderac Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
  2. Mattyb

    Mattyb Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    Thanks Douglas. Tough few days interrupted by your incredibly efficient input. Still laughing.

  3. worsey

    worsey Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2013
    if I was a kook (i'm under the impression i'm not) AND i wanted to keep my kookiness to myself
    i would surf at thurlow and rumson avenues in Margate.
  4. seldom seen

    seldom seen Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2012

    This thread reminds me of this^...I'll be your friend though OP.
  5. SSG

    SSG Member

    Oct 10, 2012
    I hear you, man. I've also been looking for someone to share a wave or two with. It seems like whenever I catch one, people just turn away. And when I try to join someone else, it's always the antisocial, yelling type. It's good to know you're out there. Next time I'm in NJ I'll make sure to drop in and see how things are going.
  6. Zippy

    Zippy Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2007
    I love Asian girls
  7. seldom seen

    seldom seen Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    I love blonde Asian girls even more.
  8. KillaKiel

    KillaKiel Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    ^^^with reach around capabilities?
  9. seldom seen

    seldom seen Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Of course!
  10. northbrig

    northbrig New Member

    Jan 3, 2013
    STay in margate, this made my day
  11. bubs

    bubs Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010

    Three things are certain in life........death......taxes......gruvi will pay for pizza!
  12. Mr.Belmar

    Mr.Belmar Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    Haha good one - very true...
  13. seldom seen

    seldom seen Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Maybe add a fourth: waves in Belmar.
  14. zach619

    zach619 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    Well, the dude dropped the atom bomb of the family photo with his kids. Who can look at that and not think this is probably a real nice guy.

    Good luck dude. And yeah, surf with your kids. They would probably love to hear all of YOUR stories. They may have some too ya know.

    Don't feel bad though. Maybe Jersey is like SoCal 10 years ago. I met plenty of friends, saw friendly faces in the lineup and chatted every day, but there were still dozens of guys that I would see all the time at different places, and I surfed side by side with a lot of those guys and we never spoke ONE word to each other. Not one word in 10 years. And surfed hundreds if not thousands of times in the same lineups. Maybe the spots you have been frequenting are filled with d-bags. Cause I don't care who you ride for, or how many stickers you have on your board, or what street you grew up. I don't care if I see you in the lineup every day. If you always paddle around with a scowl and stink of vinegar and water, I ain't gonna be "mr. icebreaker" and start chatting it up with you.

    You can tell when a guy doesn't want to interact, and from that point on, it's a stalemate. Cause from day one, you made it real clear that you aren't gonna give me even a head nod. I don't care if it's just me and him out in the water, and I am paddling out while he gets the best shack of his life, I will turn my head and act like I didn't even see it. And you certainly won't get a compliment. Cause the first time you want to say something, and its "Dude, did you see that"? Im gonna just shake my head from side to side indicating a big no.

    Some spots are just filled with d-bags, maybe you should try somewhere else.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
  15. gruvi

    gruvi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Hi, it's been a very long time I've not visited here and I saw your thread. I'd be elated to make friends and get back to practicing my surfing. Due to a life event change in my past year, I've put off all hobbies, especially my new love, surfing, and it's time I get back in the saddle again. I am new to surfing all over again due to my unfortunate lapse, but I hope to be ripping it again. Please feel free to PM me to give us an opportunity to meet up someday.
  16. nynj

    nynj Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
  17. EmassSpicoli

    EmassSpicoli Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    YESSSS!!!!! gruvi FTW!!!

    Fill us in bro! What it do?! No surprise you pop back in on a tread bouts making new surf buds. Aren't you busy writing code for the new Tinder for surfers app?? The old farts here won't even know what that means.
  18. Tuono

    Tuono Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    So, this forum has some nice, normal people! I just find it hard to believe that 'bit of a talker' would not make some friends anyway. Here is what you should do- and I cannot believe it is only you and empty ocean out there, just start chatting with people anyway. **** 'em if they can't take a joke.
    Like myself this morning, there is this kid that I see relatively often next to me surfing a LB and catching waves about 50' before they even considering breaking. You see a ripple, and he is on it...so I told him when he came back out that he can't surf there and I would ring his neck next time he took off. He laughed and turned out to be a good dude. See, making buddies wherever you go..
  19. babybabygrand

    babybabygrand Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2012
    Bravo to everyone on this thread...way to keep it a d-bag free zone!
  20. cepriano

    cepriano Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2012
    yea I think this guy is legit,he posted a picture of his family.i would never post a picture with my face on the internet,u never know who u will bump into.

    yea so I been surfing for like 15 yrs give or take and took a few years off and I don't really have any surfer friends.I did meet plenty of really cool surfer dudes over the years at other spots than my homebreak.I always thought it was weird,like id love to run into some of these people,but im not that guy that asks another guy for his number.I am not homo or homophobic but its something I wont do.some spots u go to guys will nod to u,maybe even a good morning,and some spots u get dirty looks,people walk right past u,make eye contact and say nothing ,I find that disrespectful and I hound those people in the water.im a pretty friendly fellow but I can be a real d1ck too