looking for a surfer friend

Discussion in 'Mid Atlantic' started by John Ravert, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. ClemsonSurf

    ClemsonSurf Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    I feel bad for you guys. I haven't surfed and not talked to someone new in a long time. I almost made a thread about it a couple weeks ago how everyone seems extra friendly lately. I guess we're just happy to have a wave when it's here or maybe I'm not getting in the middle of paddle battle city.

    A while ago I tried to get all Mahatma on it and smile, cheer, congratulate, hoot and holler, basically be the change I wanted to see. One day I was paddling back out and saw a known face for the area catch a good wave and I cheered him on as he passed by. I guess I scared him or something because he scowled then ate it. That was in the rough waters of IOP though, they'll cut your neck out there.

    You guys gotta lose the "burn me once, F you forever" attitude. It's just surfing when we get right down to it. You're doing it for pleasure. Sure, I get the supply and demand, limited resource thing. I don't think the ancient Hawaiians would want to surf with you if you acted like that.

    fly a banner for no phytoplankton in our sinuses!
  2. cepriano

    cepriano Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2012
    is that the reason my nose constantly runs in the water?when im in the water I blow out a snot rocket every 45 seconds.and my eyes burn.wtf do they put in that ocean???lol

  3. DawnPatrol321

    DawnPatrol321 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    Same here man, might be a sinus thing or something I think
  4. Mr.Belmar

    Mr.Belmar Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    WHAT?!??? GRUVI !!!!! Your finally back- you can't just disappear like that for a whole year and not say anything!

    Thats it- you owe us all pizza brah!

    What happened? Was it the sardines?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2014
  5. gruvi

    gruvi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Lol! I would gladly buy everyone a slice if it were possible :) what happened is a little too personal to share right now, but let's just say Gruvi has more more to himself to follow his interests a lot more than in the past. I missed you guys.
  6. DawnPatrol321

    DawnPatrol321 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    Try again in English dude.
  7. gruvi

    gruvi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    I meant to write I have more time to myself.
  8. DawnPatrol321

    DawnPatrol321 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
  9. ClemsonSurf

    ClemsonSurf Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Sounds like you went through a tough time. Your SI family is always here for you friend!
  10. gruvi

    gruvi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    That is a nice sentiment Clemson, thanks!
  11. yankee

    yankee Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2008
    hayzeus effing keeerist, try doctor phil or maybe wayne theinsaaane you puddling putz
  12. goofy footer

    goofy footer Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    What ever happen seems to have "rocked" your stoked in a bad way as time does heal wounds so does time in the water too so go out & get ya some ......................
  13. seldom seen

    seldom seen Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2012
  14. zach619

    zach619 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    Bo, It's a southern thing I suppose. Never seen the vibes I see down here anywhere else. I would recon that it's a similar vibe down in TX and LA, but never surfed down there.
  15. DawnPatrol321

    DawnPatrol321 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2012
    Met a bunch of new peeps in the water last weekend, all good dudes. I normally prefer surfing alone, but was feeling friendly all weekend and decided to introduce myself to a few folks who were really cool and the lineup was very functional as a result, everybody taking turns, giving props for a nice ride, telling each other when a wave was coming their way, offering up a wave here and there, telling the dude next to them if they were going right or left, just good overall communication out there. Good waves tend to make us surfers happy, they should never turn us aggro. Only time I witness douche-baggery out there is when it's small waves and crowded... go figure
  16. seldom seen

    seldom seen Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2012
    Usually a good vibe in the water up here, couple stand out days in May that were going off, first days of crowds, and twas a good vibe. Although I recently had to address a safety issue but that's very rare.
  17. wombat

    wombat Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    this thread has had so much to offer from such an innocuous start! from budding bromances to thrusting pelvises. when i paddle out with new bros, i try to let a huge one rip. i find the bubbles lighten the mood and get everyone all mahatma.
  18. SI_Admin

    SI_Admin Guest

    I've met most of the people I surf with in the water at some point. If you chat it up a bit, you'll meet people. If your surfing alone, it is either good or bad. Good that you don't have to fight crowds, bad if there are better waves some where else.

    In Delmarva, it is pretty close knit. It is kind of hard to not recognize the people who are out surfing on every swell, especially because we don't have a lot of popular spots. I'd imagine Margate isn't too different, although I've never surfed Margate.
  19. bubs

    bubs Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
    I love to surf in a crowd.

    Helps define the takeoff zone better, when I surf alone I get lazy and take off on the shoulder. If you surf in a crowd you gotta take off at the peak or you get none. It also helps to "compete" in the water and try to be the most spectacular surfer when your out there with some good guys. It is petty and stupid I know but it really is fun.

    If someone gets a good wave I will tell them even if they are giving me bad vibes. You definitely meet a mixed bag out in the lineup. You got your talkers and your not talkers. Usually the guys you want to talk to won't want to talk to you, the guys who want to talk to you you'll wind up chatting for a half hour and missing all the waves.

    It really is a waste of surfing energy to talk in the lineup, but hey no rules as long as your having fun!!!!!!
  20. gruvi

    gruvi Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Goofy, you are right, and especially as I haven't had my bro down ho down on AI since my personal trouble, I just robbed myself of getting my stoke to where it was pre problems days when Gruvi was upbeat and alive with all my buds, here and in my personal world. I just have to push myself again and get with my AI Brahs when I have a vacation at end of September. I can tell you Gruvi hasn't laid his head down and sulked completely. He met some awesome babes, and currently is in a fresh relationship with a lady who is loaded in the money department. Last lady was nice to look at but all she did was take Gruvis hard earned cash and waste it. This woman I'm courting now is 180 degrees opposite the old one and I feel she will support all Gruvis bro down ho downs and not try to take my stoke away like old one did. I feel better opening up Goofy! Thanks Brah! :)