Shoulder Probs

Discussion in 'All Discussions' started by JohnnyCornstarch, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Towelie

    Towelie Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2014
    "Objective Narrative vs Subjective Narrative

    Whether you’re writing from a third person viewpoint or a first person viewpoint, you always need to decide whether you want your narrative to be subjective or objective. It’s always hard not to get subjective when writing a story; however, if you start to write from an objective point of view it should remain like that for the whole story.

    Objective Narrative:

    The narrator is an observer, a “fly on the wall,” but cannot enter into the minds of the other characters except in a speculative way. Such a narrator is trapped by the chronology and immediacy of the story, like a reporter “on the scene” of an event transpiring.

    Subjective Narrative:

    A narrator of a subjective point of view (also known as “limited omniscience”) knows everything about a single character only, and sees the story through the eyes of that character. (x)

    Subjective Narrative taken to an extreme, where the narrator knows everything about every single character, is narrated by a fully omniscient narrator."
  2. Towelie

    Towelie Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2014

    "Describing Settings

    Objective narrators tend to describe settings based on what they look like, while subjective narrators appeal to the reader’s five senses. An objective narrator is just a spectator of the scene, therefore they can only know what they see. They don’t know what things taste or smell or feel like. On the other hand, subjective narrators are inside the mind of (at least) one character and they can know everything about the setting and the objects around the characters. Subjective narrators are able to give deeper insight into the setting, but they might not be very reliable because their descriptions tend to be biased.

    Describing Characters

    An objective narrator doesn’t know more about the characters than what they choose to show. When it comes to figuring people out, objective narrators are more like us, humans. We never know what’s on someone else’s mind, and neither does an objective narrator. Objective narrators might be useful because they’ll try to interpret other character’s body language and the reader will get that challenge too. On the other hand, subjective characters are able to tell the reader exactly what the character is feeling and why they’re feeling it. While a objective narrator would describe someone’s unpleasant facial features neutrally, a subjective narrator would simply describe someone as “ugly”. Beauty is subjective, and therefore an objective narrator shouldn’t describe someone as beautiful, ugly, etc. It’s probably easier to understand and believe in a character that is described by a subjective narrator, but it might be more interesting to try and figure out a character described by an objective narrator, because the reader is able to draw their own conclusions. This may make a character more relatable and more intriguing.

    Narrating a scene

    While narrating a specific scene, objective and subjective narrators will tell the story in different ways. Again, an objective narrator only knows what is shown. The character’s moves will be described in a very detailed way, but the reasons and goal behind the actions will not be clear to the reader. This might help if you want to build suspense around your action. An objective narrator will keep your writing fast-paced, which is particularly important when you’re narrating a relevant event. Subjective narrators could get distracted easily, which could possibly slow down your narrative. A subjective narrator, unlike an objective one, knows the character’s motives and goals and feelings and tells them to the reader. A subjective narrator makes it easier for the reader to feel like they’re part of the action too. Subjective narrative takes the focus out of what is being done, and shines a headlight over why it is being done and what consequences might come from that action.

    There is no right way to narrate a story. It all depends on which narrative mode serves your purpose best. If you’re used to writing from a first person point of view and want to get out of your comfort zone and try a third person point of view, it might be easier to start with subjective narrative. It all depends on what you want your readers to know and what you want from your story. However, don’t forget consistency. Your narrator’s voice and style needs to stay the same throughout your story. It’s easy to fall into subjectivity, because, as writers, we know a lot about our characters, our settings, our plots. After all, they were born in our heads. If you want an unbiased narrative, you need to narrate the whole story in an unbiased way. "

  3. headhigh

    headhigh Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2009
    arm circles before you paddle out. works wonders for me
  4. waterbaby

    waterbaby Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    3 eyed monster, I guess. It's the model logo on the board I've been riding this summer...pretty stoked on it. Was supposed to be my groveler, but turned out to be my DD.
  5. G-Wood117

    G-Wood117 Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2014
    Hopefully you just have the overuse condition and not a tear. The overuse condition is called "swimmer's shoulder" or "surfer's shoulder". If it isn't too bad you can re-hab it /pre-hab it without laying off the surfing:

    SYMPTOMS - soreness after paddling, pain when lifting arm above shoulder.
    CAUSE: - basic overuse; paddling muscles in front of body become disproportionately strong as compared to shoulder stabilizing muscles in back; keyboard jockeys and commuters develop a slouched forward posture; poor technique in paddling (hands should go straight toward ocean floor, _not_ come in toward the body's centerline).
    "PREHAB" 1) strengthen the muscles that oppose your paddle muscles - with chest on an exercise ball, do reverse flies with light weights , hands at 10:00 and 2:00, then at 9 and 3, then at 8 and 4. Go to burn.
    2) Lying on your side, with elbow glued to your top hip and bent at 90 deg, rotate a light weight from floor to vertical.
    3) doorway stretch: before every session and a couple of times a day (this helped me more than anything) - brace your upper arms into a doorway and lean forward. Try to hit at least 3 different angles just like you did with reverse flies.
    4) daily posture - make conscious effort to pull shoulders back
    5) paddling form - hand straight down when paddling, not inward across your body.
  6. JohnnyCornstarch

    JohnnyCornstarch Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2015
    This is perfect, thank you.

    I have TRX bands I'm about to install at work as well, any exercises for those?? Not S&M**
  7. BradPitted

    BradPitted Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
    Still, you should give yourself a stranger before you make your shoulder better.
  8. G-Wood117

    G-Wood117 Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2014
    Ha S&M. ++TRX .. you could easily do the "door way stretch" with trx bands, and "rowing" would definitely be helpful. But I think it would be pretty hard to do high-rep reverse flies with your whole body weight, and that is really the most effective resistance training to hit the muscles that oppose/stabilize your paddling muscles. Like, I am relatively strong for my body weight, but I can only use my wife's 8lb dumbells to do reverse flies with anything resembling good technique (at least if we are talking hi reps).. it's pretty embarrassing! The good news is you can get small dumbells, small plates, or 2 quart milk jugs full of water pretty damn cheap. (And if you don't have a swiss ball, you can just do it on the floor or a bench.) Good luck - with any luck you wont even have to stay out of the water.
  9. Tlokein

    Tlokein Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2012
    Thanks dude. I've had shoulder issues since I dislocated it about 20-some years ago. Only thing that still bothers me is surf paddling. Lots of good tips here. Never thought about the back muscles. Already do the doorway brace but I'll add the others into the routine.
  10. Tlokein

    Tlokein Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2012
    Hanna - I've been thinking of doing the stand up desk, and a couple times a day I point my monitors up and stand while working. Prob is when I do lots of standing my knees and back get pissy. Is this something that will go away over time or should I look at one of those desks that can drop down so I can sit some?

    I'm not a fan of the death chair.

    CBSCREWBY Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    Mobility|WOD - All humans should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves.

    Tone loc...

    My son John gave me two books by this guy and tipped me to his pod casts. Pissy knees and back will go away. Posture Man, Posture! (says the man slumped over his keyboard...)
  12. Tlokein

    Tlokein Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2012
    Thanks CBS. Will definitely check that out. I keep pretty good posture at work (lot better than the people around me) but I hate the death chair. Read some real interesting stuff about how even if you workout on the reg and stay healthy sitting all day it can still take years off your life. And I hope to stick around and be an ornery old codger for a long time.
  13. waterbaby

    waterbaby Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2012
    don't believe everything you read...but, yeah, get up periodically throughout the day and get the circulation flowing. Moderation in all things.